Locks For Accessible Homes (Keyless Entry, Fingerprint, Easy To Use)

Norfolk Keypad Lock

It is important to have lock and security products and hardware that are accessible and inclusive. At home, you might require products that can be used by someone in a wheelchair. Or perhaps a member of your family is visually impaired and cannot use certain kinds of locks. When striving to find something that works for everyone, whether that is keyless locks, fingerprint entry or another product or service, it is important to know of the options.

Find out more about locks for accessible homes here!

Technology has offered so many innovations, such as keyless door locks. When someone is handicapped, they deserve to be able to participate in society and day to day activities, just the same as anyone else. Even something such as going in and out of the home can become difficult, but if we can find ways to make things easier, then of course we must do so. One security measure to consider is a keyless door lock. Why is something like this product useful? Because a person can gain entry to their home using a remote, fingerprint or even by pressing buttons. This can be advantageous if turning a key just won’t work. If a person cannot see clearly, perhaps using their fingerprint is the best option. Moreover, access to the home can be granted to others without disturbing those inside the home. Is there an emergency worker or caretaker that needs to be granted access to the home? With keyless door locks, this person can just enter a code to get inside.

Did you know that certain door locks can empower a property owner to schedule entry? If a caretaker or another individual needs to be granted access but just at a certain time, this is feasible with certain advanced door locks. 

If you or someone in your home needs to do things in a different way, then know that there are security products out there designed to assist you. You can choose to have a digital door lock put in, ADA compliant locks, keyless locks, entry systems that offer fingerprint entry, and more. There are systems that are easy to use.

It is important to have lock and security products and hardware that are accessible and inclusive for everyone in the home and who might need to enter the home. In your house, you might require products that can be used by someone in a wheelchair. Maybe turning a standard key into a lock is not a possibility. Or perhaps a member of your family is visually impaired and cannot use certain kinds of locks. When striving to find something that works for everyone, whether that is keyless locks, fingerprint entry or another product or service, it is important to know of the options. We want you to know that a mobile locksmith can offer assistance with security and lock products, and their repair and installation.

Thank you for visiting us and reading about locks for accessible homes!